Examine Yourselves

Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test? And I trust that you will discover that we have not failed the test.

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Key Verse: Exodus 14:31

And when the Israelites saw the mighty hand of the Lord displayed against the Egyptians, the people feared the Lord and put their trust in him and in Moses his servant.

Central Truth

We must not give life to our negative emotions.

Study Text

Exodus 14:1-29

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Earliest Messianic Prophecies

Key Verse: Galatians 3:8

Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: “All nations will be blessed through you.”

Central Truth

God revealed the coming of Jesus the Messiah by Spirit-inspired prophecies in ancient times.


To examine ancient prophecies about the Messiah and trust in Jesus as the One who fulfilled those prophecies.

Study Text

Genesis 3:13-15; 12:1-3; 49:8-10

Matthew 1:18-21

Luke 1:30-33

John 12:30-33

Galatians 3:8-14

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Jesus, the Christ, Revealed

Key Verse: Mark 8:29

“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Messiah.”

Central Truth

Jesus was, is, and always will be the Lord of all.


To examine Jesus’ revelation of himself and believe in Him.

Study Text

Mark 8:27 – 9:13

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Jesus Opens Blinded Eyes

Key Verse: Luke 4:18-19

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

Central Truth

Jesus opens blinded eyes.


To study and overcome spiritual blindness.

Study Text

Mark 8:1-26

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Just Once More

Key Verse: Judges 16:28

Then Samson prayed to the Lord, “Sovereign Lord, remember me. Please, God, strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes.”

Study Text

Judges 16:23-30

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The Thing About “I”

Key Verse: Daniel 4:34

At the end of that time, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven, and my sanity was restored. Then I praised the Most High; I honored and glorified him who lives forever. His dominion is an eternal dominion; his kingdom endures from generation to generation.

Study Text

Daniel 4:24-37

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The Gibeonite Deception

Key Verse: Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Central Truth

God guides those who wholeheartedly seek Him.


To perceive the danger of deception and pray for guidance.

Study Text

Joshua 9:1 – 10:14

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