Rahab: Courageous Faith

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Maecenas orci

Maecenas orci esus viverra mauris at fringilla sollicitudin. Donec dolor turpis, mollis sed quam quis, faucibus gravida tellus. In dictum tristique purus, at imperdiet purus fermentum ut. Nunc pellentesque rutrum risus. Nunc accumsan orci ac justo sollicitudin, ullamcorper porttitor nulla vestibulum. Praesent pellentesque, erat vel aliquet vehicula, urna turpis bibendum dui, vel mattis nisl quam […]

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Nulla consectetur nisi

Maecenas orci esus viverra mauris at fringilla sollicitudin. Donec dolor turpis, mollis sed quam quis, faucibus gravida tellus. In dictum tristique purus, at imperdiet purus fermentum ut. Nunc pellentesque rutrum risus. Nunc accumsan orci ac justo sollicitudin, ullamcorper porttitor nulla vestibulum. Praesent pellentesque, erat vel aliquet vehicula, urna turpis bibendum dui, vel mattis nisl quam […]

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Etas luctus

Maecenas orci esus viverra mauris at fringilla sollicitudin. Donec dolor turpis, mollis sed quam quis, faucibus gravida tellus. In dictum tristique purus, at imperdiet purus fermentum ut. Nunc pellentesque rutrum risus. Nunc accumsan orci ac justo sollicitudin, ullamcorper porttitor nulla vestibulum. Praesent pellentesque, erat vel aliquet vehicula, urna turpis bibendum dui, vel mattis nisl quam […]

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Proin leo lectus

Maecenas orci esus viverra mauris at fringilla sollicitudin. Donec dolor turpis, mollis sed quam quis, faucibus gravida tellus. In dictum tristique purus, at imperdiet purus fermentum ut. Nunc pellentesque rutrum risus. Nunc accumsan orci ac justo sollicitudin, ullamcorper porttitor nulla vestibulum. Praesent pellentesque, erat vel aliquet vehicula, urna turpis bibendum dui, vel mattis nisl quam […]

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Posuere Amet Sodales

Maecenas orci esus viverra mauris at fringilla sollicitudin. Donec dolor turpis, mollis sed quam quis, faucibus gravida tellus. In dictum tristique purus, at imperdiet purus fermentum ut. Nunc pellentesque rutrum risus. Nunc accumsan orci ac justo sollicitudin, ullamcorper porttitor nulla vestibulum. Praesent pellentesque, erat vel aliquet vehicula, urna turpis bibendum dui, vel mattis nisl quam […]

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Vacation Bible School 2016

The Shepherd’s Flock held vacation bible school from June 30 – July 2. The theme was “God Is With Me Wherever I Go” and covered the biblical stories of Noah & The Ark, Jesus Walks on Water and Jonah & The Whale.

With the help of volunteer church members, we hosted about 50 children from age 5 – 15. We’d like to thank everyone involved in making this event a success.

Photos and video from event can be viewed here.

Fellowship @ The Pool 2015

Every year The Shepherd’s Flock has a end of summer fellowship at the local public pool. Two whole hours of uninterrupted fun to give thanks to God for his many blessings.

This year we also took the opportunity to baptize a new member of our church.

We’d love to have you join us next year!

Photos from this event can be viewed here!

7 Words

7 Words:
“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”
“Truly , I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”
“Woman, this is your son.” Then he said to his disciple. “This is your mother”
“My God My God, why have you forsaken me?”
“I thirst”
“It is Finished”
“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.”

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